Chino Elton Trousers


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Chino Trousers

The chino trousers are made of twill, 100% cotton.

These pants are considered a more stylish version of the jeans. They are also more versatile and comfortable, being especially recommended in the warm season.

The chino pants satisfy both the excentric tastes that want to stand out, as well as those of men who emphasize quality and image at the same time.

Color: Cognac antique

Fabric: Cotton

Compozitie: 100% Bumbac

Gramaj: 300 gr

Culoare si textura: kaky / Uni

Sezon: Primavara / Vara

Tesatura poate suporta temperaturi ridicate, fara a afecta calitatea sau durabilitatea sa. Bumbacul absoarbe si elimina umezeala in mod natural si permite o buna aerisire a corpului.

Delivery: 45 days

Pattern: Uni

Price: €249

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Product Code: TC0406.p